
After welcomed to public Mr. President Ilham Aliyev said: We are living new development period of Masalli district. Because the works which is going in Masalli, the projects which was showed me and presentation will be resulted with the resolution of main social issues in the nearest future. Till today some works were done. Constant attention is paid to development of district. As you know in previous years, Olympic Sports Complex built and the branch of eye hospital opened and other projects carried out.

In city accomplishment and renovation-construction work is going. However in present stages some issues which were waited for their solution already is solved. Firstly, gasification project. By the end of next year all settlements in Masalli will be gasified. This will be a historical achievement. Because there was never gas in the villages of Masalli. Restoration of gas supply to Masalli started a few years ago. It was covered a certain part of the city. Now that the project is prepared that not only in the city- right now are being told me that the issue already solved in the city- in all villages will be supplied with natural gas. This project must be ended by the end of next year. Thus, I consider that we will succeed in resolving of major issue. There is not any problem and limitation in the power supply. By country, this matter has been resolved. Therefore, no question about it removed. The issue of gas supply stands at front of us. We are solving this. Resolving of drinkable water and sewer is an important issue. It can be said that these issues almost at the national level are being addressed in a comprehensive manner. In every city, in every district water and sewer lines are being installed including water and sewer projects of Masalli will begin to be implemented in a few month. As a result of work to be done, this historical problem will be resolved.


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