Head of Lankaran city executive power Taleh Garashov held his next –consultative meeting in 18th of September in Goyshaban village. Deputies of head of executive power, officials of executive, head of Law enforcement authorities, some institution and enterprise participated in meeting.
The representative of the administrative territorial district Jeyhun Imanov who made open the meeting with entrance word mentioned that representation covers Goyshaban and Urga villages and 5455 people is living in this area. Then population of villages addressed and thanked on behalf of the population to the president of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, head of executive power of Lankaran city Taleh Garashov and head of “Azerigas” production unit because of supplying of natural gas. Participations of meeting said that they unanimously will support nomination of President Ilham Aliyev in the next presidential election which will be held in 9th of October. Head of Lankaran city executive power Taleh Garashov in his speech took into consideration the continued rapid development in all regions and stated that such measures which are carried out is fulfilled in the second part of the State Program on socio-economic development. Head of executive power mentioned that this rapid development also can be seen clear in Lankaran, at the same moment he added his speech about large-scale construction, reconstruction and renovation work that continues in our district. At the end of meeting Taleh Garashov specially stated that our great leader Heydar Aliyev's political course is continued in the new arena by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev. Head of Executive power mentioned that national interests of our people always is protected, he also characterized head of government as a leader without alternative. At the same moment he called all Lankaraninans to close merger around Mr. President Ilham Aliyev owing to the care and attention to our region. At the end head of executive power gave specific instructions to the head of related organizations about mentioned proposals during meeting.