The development of personnel of organization belongs to 7 main principles which was given below:

  • Creating effective system as a result of Joint effort of "AEIB" personnel.
  • Strengthen work performance and taking into consideration personnel’s responsibility during work performance.
  • To organize regular development of employee personnel.
  • Applying Development programs to personal because of their education and positions.
  • Regularly to organize external and internal courses and trainings at our company in order to improve professionalism.
  • To organize educational and development programs in order to create opportunity for young personnel to improve themselves as a specialist in their professions in the future.
  • In development direction in career our purpose is to assess progress opportunities together which we started with you in career path.


Phone: +994 12 480-24-31
Fax: +994 12 496-77-85


Azerbaijan. Baku.
Nobel Avenue, Caspian st. 13